The Guinea pig, also known as cavy, is a rodent species. It was domesticated for its meat production. However, it has gained widespread popularity as a pet in western society. I believe their...
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Degus have become increasingly popular pets over the last few years. Most of this popularity is recent, but there are actually many long-time owners who have kept these tiny creatures for decades....
Grape toxicosis is a common problem in guinea pigs, and the ingestion of just one or two grapes can lead to fatal consequences. Ingestion of green parts from the grape plant may also cause problems....
Hamsters are cute little furballs that make for great pets. However, hamsters do require proper care, and one of the most essential parts of hamster care is creating an environment conducive to their...
Every once in a while your hamster may start to behave in a different way. Your hamster might be acting lethargic or they might be totally ignoring you. Just like humans,...
Hamsters can show a lot of different behaviors throughout the day and those behaviors can have multiple meanings. So behavior that usually means that they’re sad can also sometimes mean...