Guinea pigs are one of the most adorable animals people can keep as pets. But while guinea pigs can be adorable, they are also very selective, especially when it comes to their food. They are...
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Baby guinea pigs should have a slightly different diet than older guinea pigs. The food for baby guinea pigs should contain a decent amount of vitamin C, calcium, and other vitamins and...
Guinea pigs are interesting, smart, and when cared for properly they become amazingly friendly. So it’s often tempting to cuddle and pet your guinea pigs, especially when you...
Have you ever looked into your guinea pig's cage and noticed that they're yawning? It seems like when they're around you or other guinea pigs they start doing it all the time. So why do guinea pigs...
Hamsters are really great to have as pets. One of the common behaviors that most people notice is that they sometimes can get really stressed or scared easily. For us owners, that means we have to...
Most of us can relate to the joy and excitement of getting a new hamster. Having them as a pet that’s apart of your family is a wonderful experience that brings happiness for...