Why Do Chinchillas Squeak?

Chinchillas can make the perfect pet as they enjoy interacting with humans and need only a basic diet. If they’re handled as babies, they grow up loving human interaction. Chinchillas have some of the softest fur when compared to dogs or cats, so you’ll love stroking and petting them.

And surprisingly, they are more immune to fleas and mites as their fur is thick and impervious to pests. If you’re searching for a small pet to bring into your home as a new family member, then a chinchilla may be right for you. 

If you listen carefully, chinchillas have their own language that they use to communicate with each other, with predators nearby, and with their humans. 

Do Chinchillas Have a Wide Range of Sounds?

Yes, like other mammals, chinchillas have their own range of sounds. If you’re new to adopting a chinchilla, then you’ll soon learn why they make each type of sound. It also helps that you understand these sounds, in the event that your chinchilla needs some attention from you. Despite them being small animals, they are still intelligent and they do learn to interact with their humans over time. It can be quite rewarding when you both understand each other. 

Chinchillas have a wide range of sounds that may include barking, teeth chattering, and screaming. You don’t need to be a vet to understand that screaming means they are in distress. Other common sounds may include squeaking. At times, these sounds may only mean something to them. At other times, they may be communicating how they feel to you or to other pets in the room. These sounds can be warnings, they can be communication, or they can simply convey happiness. 

Why Do They Squeak?

Another of the sounds that a chinchilla can make is squeaking. There can be many reasons why your pet chinchilla is making this sound. The squeaks can be low in tone, or can be high in tone. There may be only one squeak, or there can be several in a row.

You may not hear squeaking for a week, and then hear it several times a day. It’s important to understand what these squeaks mean. The next time you’re with your chinchilla, you’ll want to listen and pay attention to the special sounds they make.

What Does Low Gentle Squeaking Mean?

If you hear plenty of gentle low squeaking sounds then you can be relieved. These sounds are good. This low gentle squeaking generally means that your chinchilla pet is feeling happy. It can also mean that they are feeling well and in good health.

They may be squeaking because they’re pleased they feel well, or they may be telling you that they are happy. If chinchillas live with other chinchillas then they squeak at each other to also say they are happy. 

What Does High-Pitched Squeaking Mean?

If your chinchilla is making continuously high-pitched squeaking then it also means they are happy, but also that they are extremely happy and excited. If you’re brought them some food, or a toy, they may make this sound. If you’ve just arrived home and are visiting them in front of their cage, they may also make this sound. This is good news. 

What Does Distressful Squeaking Mean?

If you hear what sounds like distressful squeaking, then your chinchilla may be frightened. Do they have any food or water left? If not, they may worry they will starve to death. If they sense danger near them, they could also be doing this distressful squeaking. It helps to have a good look at them to see what may be going on. 

Pay Attention to Their Surroundings

If you’re uncertain that these squeaking sounds are good, take a look around their habitat. Are there other pets nearby, such as dogs or cats? Your chinchilla may be doing distressful squeaking, fearing that they’ll be eaten. It’s important to have your chinchilla’s cage in a safe spot away from other animals or young children.

Chinchillas may also get distressed if unknown humans are in the room. If you have visitors, it may help to move your chinchilla to a quiet room for the duration of their visit. Other factors may include what is happening outside.

A chinchilla may not understand that a window pane of glass protects them. But if they see predators outside, they may do that distressful squeaking. It may help to move their cage to the other side of the room, or close the curtains. And it’s not just what they can see, but what they smell too, such as a dog in the room. 

If you hear your chinchilla making happy and excited squeaking sounds for most of the day, then you can be pleased with your pet parenting efforts. But if your chinchilla is constantly making distressful squeaking sounds, you’re going to have to move them to a safer location in your home. You’ll also want to ensure they have a steady support of food, water, Timothy hay for sleeping and toilet, and a toy or two. 

Don’t become too distressed if it takes time for your new chinchilla to get settled in their new home. You’re also learning how to care for them, and you’ll both need time to bond together. But once you do, your chinchilla will squeak at you and make a wide range of sounds to tell you how they’re feeling and how they’re doing. It’s quite an honor when a small pet trusts us so completely that they share their thoughts and feelings with us!

If you’re new to having a chinchilla in your home then you’re on the path to being a good pet parent. It’s important to consider your pet’s needs, whether they’re tiny or big. Learning how to communicate with your pet chinchilla also helps you both to better understand each other. And nothing is better than when you get home from a long hard day at work and your chinchilla is happy and excited to see you!


Hi, I'm Mason, I've kept small animals as pets since I was 8 years old. I love to learn and talk about them basically every day. Over the years I've adopted small pets like hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs.

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